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Bob Kildee Pickleball & Tennis Courts

Four people playing pickleball on a sunny day, surrounded by trees and a chain-link fence.

Bob Kildee Community Park offers four  dedicated pickleball courts and one dual-use court.  


1030 Temple Ave., Camarillo, CA 93010

Court Hours:

Monday-Sunday, 7:00AM-9:00PM


Special Hours and Closures:

  • Fridays from January 31-March 7, all pickleball courts will be closed from 5:45PM-9:00PM for District/ Agape programming.
  • Tennis and pickleball courts are closed all day on March 14 for install of windscreens. 



  • Lighted courts 
  • Near Public restrooms
  • Benches



  • Courts are on a First-Come, First-Served basis. 
  • Courts are shared with District programming which can affect hours of use.
    • Please follow signs posted for rules and public use times.
    • To view the current program schedule, click here.
  • Private court reservations are allowed only on Saturdays and Sundays. 


Pickleball Court Rules 

Court #1 - Challenge court

  • To use the Challenge Court, teams of 2 players place their paddles in the designated paddle saddle. 
  • There must be at least 4 challenge teams to sustain the challenge court, otherwise, the court becomes part of the other rotational courts (the same 2 challenge players cannot hold the court for more than 2 games).
  • Winners of a challenge match remain on the court to play the first challenge team. Winnders can hold the court for a maximum of 2 games in a row, then must vacate the court. 2 new challenge teams then take the court. 
  • Challenge Court games are played to 11, win by 2, but games must end at 15 points. 

Courts #2-#6 

  • Courts are on a First-Come, First-Served basis. 
  • When unreserved courts are full and others are waiting to play, courts cannot be used by the same 4 players for more than 1 game. Games are played to 11, win by 2, but games must end at 15 points. 
  • Players waiting for an unreserved court should place paddles in provided rack, in order of arrival.
  • When a game is finished, all 4 players will vacate the court. 
  • When an unreserved court is vacated, "Next Up" should move the paddle to the next position and take the court.