Bob Kildee Pickleball & Tennis Courts
Bob Kildee Community Park offers four dedicated pickleball courts and one dual-use court.
1030 Temple Ave., Camarillo, CA 93010
Court Hours:
Monday-Sunday, 7:00AM-9:00PM
Special Hours and Closures:
- Fridays from January 31-March 7, all pickleball courts will be closed from 5:45PM-9:00PM for District/ Agape programming.
- Tennis and pickleball courts are closed all day on March for install of windscreens.
- Lighted courts
- Near Public restrooms
- Benches
- Courts are on a First-Come, First-Served basis.
- Courts are shared with District programming which can affect hours of use.
- Please follow signs posted for rules and public use times.
- Private court reservations are allowed only on Saturdays and Sundays.
Pickleball clinics and leagues are operated by Agape Pickleball. Registration is completed direclty with Agape and not the District.

Current Classes:
Winter-Spring 2025 Classes
Important Agape Policies:
- All classes must have a minimum of 3 students or class will be cancelled and account credit issued.
- Payment is required at time of registration.
- Drop-ins for classes will be allowed if minimum number of students has been met.
- Credits will be issued for weather-related cancellations.
- You must contact us to apply account credit.
- Credit will not be applied if you register online.
- We will email cancellations and updates on pickleball classes.
Register online at
Agape Pickleball,, 404.395.3662
Court #1 - Challenge court
- To use the Challenge Court, teams of 2 players place their paddles in the designated paddle saddle.
- There must be at least 4 challenge teams to sustain the challenge court, otherwise, the court becomes part of the other rotational courts (the same 2 challenge players cannot hold the court for more than 2 games).
- Winners of a challenge match remain on the court to play the first challenge team. Winnders can hold the court for a maximum of 2 games in a row, then must vacate the court. 2 new challenge teams then take the court.
- Challenge Court games are played to 11, win by 2, but games must end at 15 points.
Courts #2-#6
- Courts are on a First-Come, First-Served basis.
- When unreserved courts are full and others are waiting to play, courts cannot be used by the same 4 players for more than 1 game. Games are played to 11, win by 2, but games must end at 15 points.
- Players waiting for an unreserved court should place paddles in provided rack, in order of arrival.
- When a game is finished, all 4 players will vacate the court.
- When an unreserved court is vacated, "Next Up" should move the paddle to the next position and take the court.