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Pleasant Valley Fields Sports Complex 

May contain: grass, plant, field, grassland, nature, outdoors, lawn, and person

 Pleasant Valley Fields 

Pleasant Valley Fields is located 152 West Park Court off the 101 Freeway in Camarillo.

  • 55 acres of park space.
  • Opened in 2010
  • Multiple soccer field space with four light zones that light up six soccer fields and a snack bar. Three softball fields with lights and no fences.
  • Meeting Room that holds up to 50 people.
  •  Modern playground.
  • This soccer complex is closed for rest and turf renovation for approximately 4-5 weeks every spring, summer and winter. Call 482-1996 or check field conditions for closure periods.


Special Closures:

  • Closed March 17-April 18  for turf closure