Rummage Sale
Saturday, May 3
Community Center
1605 E. Burnley St., Camarillo
Do you love yard sales? Come to the community wide Rummage Sale and find good deals. Ones trash is another ones treasure!
Cost: Free
- Over 100 sale booths!
Want to sell your items?
Only garage sale type items may be sold. No food or drink items can be sold. Spaces are first-come, first-serve until all spots are filled.
- 1 parking space: $35
- Register here
- 2 parking spaces: $55
- Register here
- 3 parking spaces: $75
- Register here
Food Trucks Wanted!
We are looking for food trucks. If interested, sign up to be a vendor! This is a great opportunity for you to be able to increase your brand awareness as well as your customer base. Submit your application as soon as possible to be considered. For more information, visit our vendors page and apply today!
Sam Silveria, Recreation Specialist, 805.482.1996 x116
Thank you to our Partner!